
Friday, December 19, 2014

Spotting Errors (in usage) Practice Exercises for Exams

►Like fill in the blank questions, these are individual questions. They require very good grammar check skills along with a good reading habit. You may need to find one or more errors in the given sentences. 

►Some of the common ways in which these questions are asked are: 

Types of Questions asked in Spotting Errors:

Type 1:

A sentence is divided into four underlined parts and the incorrect part is to be identified. If there is no error in the sentence, you need to select the underlined part called “No Error”. This is the most common type asked in bank exams. A feature of these questions is that the entire underlined part of the sentence may not be incorrect. There may be a single incorrect word in the entire underlined part. Also, while a part of the sentence may seem correct in isolation, it may be incorrect when seen in context of the entire sentence.

Type 2:

The sentence has four to five underlined parts but it is not divided like earlier. You simple need to identify the underlined part that is incorrect. The difference with the earlier question type is that here the entire underlined part is incorrect unlike the earlier case. So, you need to focus only on the specific underlined word/phrase.

Type 3:

Four or five sentences may be given. You may either need to identify the incorrect sentences or the correct ones. Also, the number of correct or incorrect sentences may exceed one. In that case, you can save time by eliminating answer options.

►You need to revise parts of speech, tenses, clause and phrases, prepositions, word usage and spelling to attempt these questions with good accuracy. 

►Like all other questions in this section, good reading habits can help you eliminate incorrect/inappropriate options.

Here are Practice questions on Spotting Errors:

Spotting Errors Practice Exercise Paper-1

Spotting Errors Practice Exercise Paper-2

Spotting Errors Practice Exercise Paper-3

Spotting Errors Practice Exercise Paper-4

Spotting Errors Practice Exercise Paper-5

Spotting Errors Practice Exercise Paper-6

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