
Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Word Substitution Practice Question Paper-4

Instructions: In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

One Word Substitution Question Paper -4

1) Be the embodiment or perfect example of

a) Signify
b) Characterise
c) Personify
d) Idol

✔Answer: Option C

2) A paper written by hand

a) Thesis
b) Manuscript
c) Handicraft
d) Handiwork

✔Answer: Option B

3) A person not sure of the existence of god

a) Atheist
b) Agnostic
c) Theist
d) Cynic

✔Answer: Option B

4) One who cannot be corrected

a) Hardened
b) Incorrigible
c) Invulnerable
d) Incurable

✔Answer: Option B

5) To slap with a flat object

a) Hew
b) Chop
c) Gnaw
d) Swat

✔Answer: Option D

6) The act of violating the sanctity of the church is

a) Desecration
b) Heresy
c) Sacrilege
d) Blashphemy

✔Answer: Option C

7) A name adopted by an author in his writings

a) Nomenclature
b) Pseudonym
c) Title
d) Nickname

✔Answer: Option B

8) A place that provides refuge

a) Asylum
b) Orphanage
c) Shelter
d) Sanatorium

✔Answer: Option A

9) The absence of law and order

a) Mutiny
b) Anarchy
c) Revolt
d) Rebellion

✔Answer: Option B

10) A child born after death of his father

a) Posthumous
b) Progenitor
c) Bastard
d) Orphan

✔Answer: Option A

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